Save Time and Money With YBEX
Real Exchange Rates in Real-time
Find and compare real exchange rates from our money
exchange partners, including Hong Kong dollar, US dollar,
Japanese Yen, Taiwan dollar, Singapore dollar, Chinese
yuan (renminbi) and more. No more running around town to
look for the best rates.
Immediate Rate Lock-In
Lock-in the best rates for your foreign currency.
By The Crowd, For the Crowd
Rate your experience after each transaction. Your feedback
will help us and your fellow travellers make every money
exchange transaction a seamless experience.
Use YBEX in 3 Simple Steps
1. Find & Compare
Select the currency and input the amount you need to
exchange, and compare exchange rates from our
available money exchange partners.
2. Select
Choose the most suitable money exchange partner
based on exchange rate, location, opening hours and
customer feedback.
3. Confirm & Collect
Lock-in the rate on YBEX to confirm your booking.
Then, just head down to your selected money exchange
partner in person, present the QR code and make
payment to collect your foreign currency.
Save more with every YBEX booking
Earn YBCoins with Every Foreign Currency Booking
Collect YBCoin for every completed foreign currency
exchange booking with our money exchange partner.
Redeem Travel Items from YBStore
Use your YBCoins to redeem must-have travel items to
make your trip even more hassle-free!
Save More With YBEX Flash Sales
Our signature flash sales occur every month on
Facebook, with popular currencies like Japanses Yen
and Thai Baht available for exchange at